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Please support ACTA for the good of Europe

Writer's picture: CEPICEPI

Dear Member of the European Parliament,

Over the recent weeks, we have seen coordinated attacks on the websites of democratic institutions such as the European Parliament and national governments over ACTA. The signatories to this letter and their members stand against such attempts to silence the democratic process. Instead, we call for a calm and reasoned assessment of the facts rather than the misinformation circulating. A considered reaction is more important than ever at a time when many outside of Europe doubt the ability of the European Union institutions and its Member State governments to act together.

The signatories of this letter represent thousands of European companies of all sizes and millions of workers in dozens of sectors crucial to the European economy, which are eager to get Europe out of the current economic crisis by promoting innovation and growth-enhancing measures. We are all dependent on intellectual property.

ACTA is good for Europe. Without changing EU law, it establishes common procedures for dealing with IPR infringements across countries accounting for 50% of world trade. The framework set up by ACTA will have a positive impact on protecting Europe’s industries, jobs and people. ACTA will have no negative consequences as it does not depart from EU law – as confirmed by two opinions of the European Parliament’s Legal Service as well as the European Commission. It is important to show that Europe is united and has trust in its institutions and government processes. That is why ACTA is supported by all the organisations and companies below, as well as 22 European Member States who joined the EU in the first step towards ratification.

We therefore urge you to focus on the facts and not the misinformation and to support ACTA. ACTA is an international cooperation project that will protect Europe’s rights and people and will confirm the EU’s global importance as a responsible trading partner. For Europe to have a successful knowledge economy and manufacturing base it must protect its workers, creators and the innovations of its manufacturers and industries abroad. The ACTA treaty sends an important message to third countries and to Europe’s workforce that our rights must be protected in practice, and that Europe will not fall behind other countries in this regard. This is a crucial moment for Europe’s governments and institutions in their effort to safeguard Europe’s jobs and economic future. Failure to do so will irrevocably affect Europe’s credibility as a trusted global trade partner.

We thank you for your support on this crucial issue:

ACEA - European Automobile Manufacturers Association

ACG - Anti-Counterfeiting Group

ACT – Association of Commercial Television

AIE – Associazione Italiana Editori

AIM – European Brands Association Alliance Against IP Theft

ANDEMA – Spanish Association for Defence of the Trademark

APM – Aktionskreis gegen Produkt- und Markenpiraterie

AFP - Associacao Fonografica Portugesa

AGPP - Association of Greek Producers of Phonograms

BAMP – Bulgarian Association of Music Producers

BASCAP - Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy

BBB - Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels

BEA - Belgian Entertainment Association

BIEM – Mechanical Rights Societies

BPI - British Phonographic Industry

BREIN - Protection Rights Entertainment Industry Netherlands

BBA – Bulgarian Book Association

BVA - British Video Association

BVMI – Bundesverband Musikindustrie

BVV – Bundesverband Audiovisuelle Medien e.V.

CELC - European Linen and Hemp Confederation

CEPI TV - European Coordination of Independent TV Producers

CEPS – European Spirits Organisation

CIE - Consejo Intertextil espanol /Spanish Textile and Clothing Industry

CIPR - Coalition for Intellectual Property Rights

CISAC - International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers

EACA – European Association of Communications Agencies

ECTA - European Communities Trademark Association

EIBF - European and International Booksellers Federation

EGEDA – Spanish Audiovisual Producers

EPC - European Publishers Council

EURATEX - European Apparel and Textile Confederation

EUROCINEMA – Association of Film and Television Producers

EUROCORD - European Liaison Committee of Twine, Rope and Netting Industries

EUROCOPYA - European organisation of movie and television producers' collecting societies

EUROCOTON - Federation of the Cotton and Allied Textile Industries of the EU

FAMA - Fachverband der Film- und Musikindustrie

FDA – Film Distributors Assocaition

FEP-FEE - Federation of European Publishers /Fédération des éditeurs européens

FER - Federation of Romanian Publishers

FESI – Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry

FFE - Filmforgalmazók Egyesülete / Hungarian Film Distributors Association

FGEE - Federación de Gremios de Editores de España

FIAPF - Fédération Internationale des Associations de Producteurs de Films

FIAD - International Federation of Film Distributors Associations

FIMI - Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana

GEMA – German Authors and Composers

GESAC – European Authors and Composers Societies

GESAMTVERBAND TEXTIL + MODE - Confederation of the German Textile and Fashion Industry

HVB – Austrian Book Publishers Association

ICC DEUTSCHLAND - Internationale Handelskammer (ICC) Deutschland I

CMP - International Confederation of Music Publishers

IFPI – Representing the Recording Industry Worldwide

ILEC - Institut de Liaisons et d’Etudes des Industries de Consommation

IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association

INDICAM – Instituto di Centromarca per la lotta Contraffazione

INTA – International Trademark Association

IRMA - Irish Recorded Music Association

ISFE – Interactive Software Federation of Europe

IVF – International Video Federation

MAHASZ - Magyar Hanglemezkiadók Szövetsége

MARKENVERBAND - German Branded Businesses Association

MODINT – Trade Association for Fashion, Interior Design, Carpets and Textiles

MVKE – Magyarországi Videókiadók Egyesülete / Hungarian Video Association NV – Nederlands Uitgeversverbond

NVPI – Nederlandse Vereniging van Producenten en Importeurs van beeld

PIK – Polska Izba Ksiazki / Polish Chamber of Books

PRODUZENTENALLIANZ – German TV and Film Producers Alliance

PROMUSICAE – Productores de Música de España

SACG – Swedish Anti-Counterfeiting Group

SNE – Syndicat National de L'Edition

SNEP – Syndicat National de l'édition Phonographique

SROC – Sports Rights Owners Coalition

TIE –Toy Industries of Europe

TABD – Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue

TUOTOS – Finnish Audiovisual Producers

UFIM – Union Française des Industries de la Mode / French Association of Clothing Manufacturers

UIT – French Textile Industries


UNIC – Union Internationale des Cinémas / International Union of Cinemas

UNIFAB – Union des Fabricants

UNIVIDEO – Italian Union of Audiovisual Publishers

VdF -- Verband der Filmverleiher / Association of German Film Distributors

VG Bild-Kunst – German Visual Artists, Photographers and Graphic Designers Organisation

VKE – German Cosmetics Manufacturers

VPRT – Association of German Commercial Broadcasters and Audiovisual Services

VSC – Video Standards Council

VUV – Flemish Book Publishers’ Association

ZPAV – Polish Audiovisual Producers

More organisations being added List current as of 20 February 2012, 11 am

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