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CEPI welcomes European Parliament Plenary vote on SatCab


Today, 12 December 2017, the European Parliament in Plenary supported the Legal Affairs (JURI) Committee’s mandate on the proposed Online Broadcasting Regulation (also known as the SatCab Regulation).

CEPI, in accordance with other key stakeholders in the Audiovisual sector, welcome this result, and thank Members of the European Parliament for voting in favour of maintaining the JURI Committee result (by 344 votes in favour, 265 against and 36 abstentions).

Jérôme Dechesne, President of CEPI, highlighted the importance of this result which preserves the work of independent production companies across Europe helping them to continue the production of high quality content, encouraging cultural diversity and job creation in Europe. Thanks to today's result in the Parliament, producers will preserve their contractual freedom to license rights, meaning stability in prices and plurality of choice of content for consumers. Mr Dechesne added: “The large and effective mobilization in the Audiovisual sector has been crucial in CEPI. The support of national association members of CEPI clearly underlines the importance of a debate which has been developed at European, national and local level and that cannot be underestimated for the well being of production and distribution of European content in Europe”.

The next step in this debate will take place at the COREPER meeting in the Council on the 15 December where the Member States will be asked to decide about the SatCab Regulation. CEPI expresses its strong encouragement towards the Member States in order to support territorial exclusivity and preserve territoriality of copyright.

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