The undersigned organisations (the “Signatories” or “We” below) represent producers and their business distribution partners of film and audiovisual content in the EU and the EEA.
We wish first to express our appreciation to Commissioner Gabriel for her personal efforts and commitment in shaping the European Commission’s budgetary proposal for the new generation of the Creative Europe’s MEDIA strand - an ambitious roadmap for the future of the European audiovisual sector.
The Signatories also wish to thank Commissioner Gabriel and her services for the consultative process enforced around a potential online directory of European films. We have studied with interest the Manifesto for an Online Directory of European Films proposed for endorsement by the relevant professional organisations. We now wish to convey our collective views on the overall objectives of increased visibility and availability of European films and audiovisual works online, on the ways to achieve this goal and the proposed commitments embedded in the Manifesto.
Download here the Joint Declaration.