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  • Writer's pictureCEPI

Film and TV Producers recognize the importance of the adoption of the Copyright Directive

After the past two years of debate on the Copyright Directive in the Digital Single Market, aiming to modernise the copyright framework, today the copyright directive was finally adopted.

CEPI, the European Audiovisual Production, welcomes that more responsibility for online content sharing platforms has finally been stated, in order to help a digital ecosystem to work more fairly. The process to reach this agreement on the text has not been easy at all and unfortunately often misguided by fake propaganda undertaken by internet giants and driven by false information to the disadvantage of millions of European consumers.

In addition, we also acknowledge, as we have always done, the importance for artists ‘remuneration to be at the core of a well-functioning audiovisual value chain.

This is no doubtfully a very important achievement for Europe in order to preserve and encourage our Small and Medium Enterprises to continue the creation of a wide and diverse content in the years to come.

The adopted text leaves still several open legal questions though which need more clarity and attention, especially during national implementation. CEPI film and TV producers will certainly work proactively and in synergy with policy makers to ensure the Directive will be implemented at its best without prejudice to the creation and circulation of European content for European citizens/consumers

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