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28 Shades of AVMSD - CEPI organises workshop at the International Festival Series Mania

Writer's picture: CEPICEPI

CEPI, the European Audiovisual Production Association, was proud to present the “28 Shades of AVMSD - a changing and challenging digital market” workshop in the framework of the Séries Mania Festival and its Transatlantic Dialogues. The workshop had the goal of providing a better understanding of what implementation of the new rules will imply, and serve as a hub for discussion between all stakeholders involved, to find a way forward.

The key takeaways could be summarised as:

  • The AVMSD provides an excellent legal framework for a European audiovisual market, which is based on exclusivity and is naturally fragmented

  • IP rights are with no doubt the assets of our European market and should be preserved to make Europe more competitive

  • Not only quantitative standards set by the AVMSD, but also quality of investment should be at the core of debate

  • Anti-trust policy and protection of intellectual property are the tools to make sure that good competition is maintained in Europe

  • Promotion of European works and the capacity of bringing the right content to the right audience will be key to success. Dubs and subtitles were amongst the elements to be considered to ensure a wider reach

  • AVMSD could give some leverage to negotiate better deals and, through the quota system, to nurture European productions and talents, and safeguard the independence of European creativity. The importance of European talents and local content should not be underestimated

  • The details for the implementation of financial obligations, quota and prominence vary between different actors and markets, and there cannot be a one-size-fit-all. Specific careful attention should be provided towards Central/Eastern Europe

  • The changing market and the new technologies give new possibilities to small producers and local content to emerge

  • The transparency requirement to share the data collected should be applied to all actors to ensure a level-playing-field and equal leverage for bargaining

You can download the full report of the workshop here.




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Rue de la Loi 155 | Building C - 5th floor 1040 Brussels, Belgium

©2019 by CEPI (European Audiovisual Production)

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