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CEPI Position Paper on the coming DSA proposal


Digital Services Act package: deepening the Internal Market and clarifying

responsibilities for digital services

The audiovisual sector is a cornerstone of the EU’s socio-economic pillar and a priceless strand of the EU’s cultural fabric. According to a study recently published by EY, the audiovisual sector was worth €121.7 billion in 2018, accounting for approximately 22% of the industry globally and accounts for 1,049,000 jobs in direct employment in 2018. Moreover, it is important to recall that 2019 was a record-breaking year for cinemas worldwide and that the cinema industry in Europe was on a growth trajectory, with an unprecedented 1.34 billion admissions across European territories in 2019. The share of independent TV productions has been high accounting for 74% of TV fictions titles in 2017, according to the European Audiovisual Observatory.

CEPI and its members welcome the Commission’s efforts to improve the current legal framework and wish to contribute to the Commission’s objective to lay down more “consistent” rules for the responsibility of digital services and fight effectively illegal practices online. Read our position paper to find our views on the liability regime, the removal of illegal content, the Know Your Business Costumer Principle (KYBCP), transparency and data sharing obligations and governance and enforcement.


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